W Is For Wanderlust
Many times we just want to take the most direct route to our destination . We have no desire to veer off the main road and take in new sights. We are so focused on where we are heading, and maybe what time we are to arrive, that we don't pay any attention to the signs, landscapes, etc. that pass us by. Another way to look at this is that we are not being present. By not being present with our surroundings which includes the people we interact with we tend to miss out on things. So if that is the case, why do we do it? One reason is that our attention spans are getting shorter. Another reason is that we are only thinking of ourselves in terms of our own wants and needs and do not look outside our "own immediate bubble". Lastly it is really hard to stay present because we are either thinking about possible regrets of our past or planning out our future. As an example, when you drive to work what are you thinking about? Is it about the hectic schedule you have to juggle th...